Wednesday, May 5, 2010

We are off...

All packing, putting everything away. It is very sad, in a way. It has been amazing! Elodie is out of the cast and has started walking slowly. We are all looking forward to catching up with friends and family.


Friday, April 30, 2010

Less than a week to go... Elodie's cast is coming off soon!

Now that there is less than a week to go, I am really really excited to get home. Elodie's cast is coming in 4 days and we cannot wait. She somehow manages to walk everywhere but it is such a liability!

This week Nick and I were invited to the American Idol rehearsal and backstage. A.I is huge here. We met some contestants, stylists, judges and presenter. It was very interesting although not really my cup of tea.

Last night, I went (on my own, Nick is in Dallas and Atlanta) to a party and I met Christian Louboutin! I was so so excited. We spoke french about life in L.A and business (and one day I will have some of his shoes!!!!)

Looking forward to see everyone soon and catch up,


Monday, April 26, 2010

Meeting the TC!

Yesterday, Sunday we had quite a surreal day. We were invited to hang out and have lunch with Tom Cruise and wife and little girl at his private hanger. We were shown around his airplanes, cars and motorbikes collection and met all his entourage (his 2 sisters, 2 nephews, other son and daughter...). It was just very sweet, the kids were just running around. Capucine and Suri got along very well and were playing hide and seek in his very huge luxurious tour bus. We had lunch there and just hang out for a couple of hours. I even got a pic of Nick and Tom on his Mustang airplane...

This experience is turning out to be quite a ride. We are leaving in 10 days and I am really looking forward to get back into the Henley life but a little part of me is going to miss this
too. We are off to the American Idol rehearsal tomorrow to meet the judges (Ellen Degeneres, Ryan Seacrest and maybe Simon Cowell... oh dear)!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday 18th of April... less than 3 weeks to go

Elodie is slowly getting used to having this huge cast. Last week has been quite a though one. She was totally dependent on me (or Nick but he was in NY city for a few days). It was really like having a newborn baby again. Waking up every night, carrying her in our arms everywhere... she was so tired all the time because of the lack of sleep (and me too... so very grumpy and impatient) ... I feel sorry for her but what a full on time it is.

A couple of days ago the orthopedist suggested she start standing up and move around, which I thought would be impossible with the huge cast but after convincing her that it would be ok, she has started to move around (always holding on to a piece of furniture or something). She still gets tired very quickly but you just about can see that it will get better. Another 2-3 weeks with the cast though!

So, as you can imagine, my social life has taken a step back. But this coming week if fully booked.

Today, Nick gave me a couple of hours break and I went with skinny PR lady for a "power walk" in this trendy canyon walk. It is a bit of a celebs hot spots for exercising... yes there are such places in Hollywood and skinny PR lady knows about all them! We saw Giselle there (the big supermodel) , she had a baby a few weeks ago and had the body of a goddess already! Turns out skinny PR lady is very nice and "human" after all.

Also, heard about Daisy's bike fall from Allen who is stuck on the East coast with the volcano drama. Thinking of you Lucy and Daisy. xxx

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Poor Elodie has been badly hurt.

It has been a tough day or two. Poor Elodie little has badly broken her femur right up near her hip joint. We have spent all day at the hospital yesterday (april 7th) to get x-rays and a plaster. She has been very brave and we are off to see the childrens orthopedic chap on Tues for a follow-up. They are expecting her to take 3-4 weeks to heal properly.

She cannot sit or stand (obviously) and has to spend the next few weeks on her back. Going to the loo etc is not an easy process. How she did it from jumping off a sofa is incredible. She said she was jumping to try and touch the ceiling(!) She tried to land on the floor on a cushion on her knees - I think she obviously missed the cushion. Katerina was there but did not see exactly what happened.

It has definitely transfered the mood of the whole "adventure" but I guess this could have happened anywhere and right now we are just trying to make her as comfortable as possible.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Yes, I am on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno!

My second and a half of fame has arrived! I know that it must not mean much to you but it is like the Jonathan Ross show, times 100. I took my parents to the recording of the show and somehow we managed to sit front row and had to get up and shake the man's hand at the beginning... so there I am with my pink dress. I am pretty happy that. My dad did say I was like a groupie... I jumped up as soon as the cameraman gave us the signal! A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. The web link is below if you want to have a look. (wednesday april 7th show)

Nick is in Toronto and back tomorrow. He has had a good trip and sounded quite positive. Bremont had a big piece in the LA Times last easter sunday.... so very slowly but surely moving the right direction.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter sunday and another earthquake.

We started the day with the easter egg hunt in the garden with their pyjamas! running around bear feet... We had another quake today. It hit a magnitude of 7.2 at the border of Mexico / California, which is big but no damages.

On the glam front Nick and I had a night out with a couple of young upcoming hollywood (they must have thought we were so old and boring). A girl called Alice Eve (she is in the new Sex and the city movie movie) and her boyfriend Adam something. he is a poet, for real! He spent the night reciting poems... after a few glasses of wines it started sounding quite lovely.

We had a family day in Malibu at the house of Liberty Ross (she is an english model) and very nice hubby called Rupert (a movie director). They have 2 kids (boy of 3 and girl of 6). They have this fantastic weekend house by the Pacific cliff in Malibu.

Only 4 more weeks to go. I might be going to a launch party next weekend for Tods (the bags, shoes, accessories brand) and I am taking my parents to the Tonight show with Jay Leno on Wednesday, should be entertaining.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Some pictures, March 30th, 2010

Big night at Soho House

Last Friday was a big intro night party for Bremont to the Hollywood scene. It was an incredible night. We were the guest of honor (i.e. picking up the bill at the end of the night) of this big Hollywood producer at Soho House. He invited a huge amount of celebs for us to meet. It was very surreal. I was sitting in front of Sting and his other half, Ryan Seacrest, Olivia Wilde and a bunch of English actors (I don't really know). We all ended up at the bar upstair for a few drinks. Only thing is NO PICTURES allowed (club rules).... sorry about this. Now the big question is, how is that supposed to sell watches... well apparently it is how you have to do it in Hollywood- totally different than the UK. Got myself a very nice white little dress with a sun tan and big hollywood hair!


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Saturday 20th of march... half way through!

This weekend I am on my own with the kiddies, Nick being in Switzerland for 10 days and I have been invited to 2 things. (wow!) So first I went to skinny PR lady at her house for a swim with the kids... she has to be nice to me, after all my hubby is paying her! It went well but I came back exhausted. I just feel so stressed and on my guards the whole time... nothing like the western road ladies! Tomorrow is a doc and film producer brunch in Culver City (an area of LA)... not sure if I will make this one, although Nick thinks I should to get "the momentum" going.

Great news, my parents are arriving in 3 days! Which means lots of ME time. I cannot wait for a little break, without school or pre school it is pretty much non stop.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tuesday 16 of March... First L.A. Earthquake!

It is hot, sunny, beachy and shaky! Yesterday Nick and I both woke up by a 4.4 magnitude earthquake. It was Nick's first one and we both realized that we need to get geared up in case of a big one. Nick is off for 10 days today (Switzerland and England) so on the way to the airport I must buy torches (or flashlight) and what else... I am not sure. Life is just ticking along; home schooling every morning then off to the beach (or park) then back home for tea time. Every night the kids and I have a hot tube which means no bath! (bleached everyday after a day of sweating on the beach). I have my next glam evening schedule for the 26th of march. Bremont is hosting an exclusive evening at soho house and if everything goes to plan could be very interesting and fun... and I can take pictures this time!

Will keep you posted.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Following my first pre oscar party!!!!!

Saturday night Nick and I were invited to a pre oscar party at the Madeo Restaurant in Beverly Hills (hosted by Chanel and Charles Finch). It was a small intimate affair (about 150 people) but FULL of big celebs. The woman there were so beautiful and slim and glam it was unreal. It was hard to act cool and not stair. When we arrived we had to walk through about 30 paps all waiting to take pictures (shall I even mention that not a flash bulb went off went we went by) by it was very intimidating anyway. We had a great time. Sat next to Alan Cumming and his husband, they were such great company and very entertaining.

Have a look at the weblink below for all the pictures but just to name a few; Dustin Hoffman, Harvey Keitel, Angelica Houston, Mini Driver, Roseanne Arquette, Belthazar Getty, Cat Deeley, Matt Dillon, etc, etc were all there. Now, how do you beat that?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Week 3 or is it 4?

This week is Elodie's birthday! (Thanks to Lucy for reminding me .... I thought it was the following week). Due to the lack of little friends, we thought we would do the obvious american thing... go to an all american restaurant and buy her the biggest pink cake. Elodie is certain Ella will be coming... oh dear!

We had a good weekend, went to the L.A. zoo with all the family. It was a rainy day so we were about the only one there... on a saturday. We could not believe it! They told us L.A. people don't do rain. Unbelievable!

Sunday we were invited to famous british adventurer pad in Malibu with all the family. It was great to be "normal" and relax and not watch what we were saying. All went well until Capucine told the mum with the little sweet baby boy that "he has a big silly head and looks like an alien!".

Today Nick told me about our first big night out. On Saturday pre oscar party hosted by big PR firm. What am I supposed to wear? I am on a diet for next 5 days. Need pedicure, manicure blow dry (or is it job... Lucy will get that one) but at least I have a tan.

Going swimming with the kids at the skinny socialite's house tomorrow. Will need to ensure the kids don't strip off. We went swimming last week to a public pool and were told off when the kids all got naked to put on their swimming gear! Men and boys must keep their shirt in parks... no little naked bottom on the beach. Europeans are sooooo much more laid back!

Will let you know how my big night went!

Monday, February 22, 2010

I have mastered the Rings!

After going to muscle beach (again) on Saturday with the whole family to practice my physical challenge (the Rings), I found out that Nick CAN actually do it so I get in there and he gives me a push (quite a hard one) and I feel all the muscles in my shoulder twisting and pulling ( I nearly cried and was sooooo crossed with him). I think it was the fact that I could not do it and he could that upset me but I milked it and was in deep pain all day because of his big bully push! Anyway we went back today and I did it! so now I need to set a new goal.

I am definitely feeling a lot more settled and less on the edge. The kids have all recovered from the nasty virus and starting to appreciate my home schooling. We go to the beach everyday.

The social life is still a bit slow but met up with a big "socialite" mom in a play park in Santa Monica for kids playtime (arranged by Nick) so I had to be on best behavior and play corporate wife. She told me we are living in the wrong side of Santa Monica and that Main street is not really the place to shop but Melrose is.... feel very inadequate and have to watch what I am saying. Thankfully the kids got along well.

Miss the easy chat with the local Henley girls. I don't think there will be a lot of "Diamonds and Pearls" girl's night out!

Will keep you posted.... will not mention the amazing sunny weather we are having everyday, I know how annoying it can be.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Santa Monica Beach

Capucine on the beach of Santa Monica

After 10 Days...

We have been in LA for 10 days now and the family is slowly settling down. I though I would list the bad bits and good its of our adventure so far...

- The nearly 12 hours flight with 3 kids that did not sleep for 1 minute.
- The first visit to the Santa Monica hospital with Euan and Capucine covered in a face rash with temperature, coughing, etc. I definitely thought they had the swine flu!
- Home schooling; Thought it would be fun and easy but I have to prepare their lesson every night otherwise I think I do not make much sense and they all look at me like I am from another planet.
- My lovely au pair; She is driving me insane! I think it has to do with the size of the house... she is just there all the TIME and although she is fantastic I need some space. Not sure what to do about it but I have a very short temper with her at the moment.
- How everyone is so FIT... I thought I was alright but coming here is a shock. Every one runs, skates, cycles, stretches, plays ball, tennis, surf, jump!!!!!!! We went to "muscle beach" last week... very impressive.
- The healthy food (or just fresh food) is really expensive. Maybe that is why the slims are slim ... the junk food is very cheap so the fat can feed themselves even more! It is a vicious circle.
- Being with the kids all day everyday feels a bit like going back a couple of years ago. The more they are with me the more they need me!

- The weather (very obvious but it is true). I have a tan in February which already makes me feel much better and covers some of the wrinkles
- The driving; the traffic is really really bad but I love driving here (just feels like home)
- The sushi: Nick and I have been out for sushi in Santa Monica a couple of times. Just taste amazing!
- Malibu: One day I would love to have a house there (dream on)
- My amazing glamorous nightlife ... not quite yet but I am waiting for the invitation to arrive anytime!

I am sure I am forgetting some good bits but it is a little late and I just have had a big pizza for supper!

Saw "Mister Famous friend of Nick" on Monday with the kiddies. The boys went for a motorbike ride in the Hills.

I am still looking for a good biz idea to bring over to the UK... not so good so far but I am still searching.

Personally I have set myself one goal so far. When we went to muscle beach in Santa Monica I saw these guys do the "line rings"... I promised myself I will do that within my 3 months here! Have a look what I am talking about....

A plus,