Saturday, March 20, 2010

Saturday 20th of march... half way through!

This weekend I am on my own with the kiddies, Nick being in Switzerland for 10 days and I have been invited to 2 things. (wow!) So first I went to skinny PR lady at her house for a swim with the kids... she has to be nice to me, after all my hubby is paying her! It went well but I came back exhausted. I just feel so stressed and on my guards the whole time... nothing like the western road ladies! Tomorrow is a doc and film producer brunch in Culver City (an area of LA)... not sure if I will make this one, although Nick thinks I should to get "the momentum" going.

Great news, my parents are arriving in 3 days! Which means lots of ME time. I cannot wait for a little break, without school or pre school it is pretty much non stop.

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