Monday, February 22, 2010

I have mastered the Rings!

After going to muscle beach (again) on Saturday with the whole family to practice my physical challenge (the Rings), I found out that Nick CAN actually do it so I get in there and he gives me a push (quite a hard one) and I feel all the muscles in my shoulder twisting and pulling ( I nearly cried and was sooooo crossed with him). I think it was the fact that I could not do it and he could that upset me but I milked it and was in deep pain all day because of his big bully push! Anyway we went back today and I did it! so now I need to set a new goal.

I am definitely feeling a lot more settled and less on the edge. The kids have all recovered from the nasty virus and starting to appreciate my home schooling. We go to the beach everyday.

The social life is still a bit slow but met up with a big "socialite" mom in a play park in Santa Monica for kids playtime (arranged by Nick) so I had to be on best behavior and play corporate wife. She told me we are living in the wrong side of Santa Monica and that Main street is not really the place to shop but Melrose is.... feel very inadequate and have to watch what I am saying. Thankfully the kids got along well.

Miss the easy chat with the local Henley girls. I don't think there will be a lot of "Diamonds and Pearls" girl's night out!

Will keep you posted.... will not mention the amazing sunny weather we are having everyday, I know how annoying it can be.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Santa Monica Beach

Capucine on the beach of Santa Monica

After 10 Days...

We have been in LA for 10 days now and the family is slowly settling down. I though I would list the bad bits and good its of our adventure so far...

- The nearly 12 hours flight with 3 kids that did not sleep for 1 minute.
- The first visit to the Santa Monica hospital with Euan and Capucine covered in a face rash with temperature, coughing, etc. I definitely thought they had the swine flu!
- Home schooling; Thought it would be fun and easy but I have to prepare their lesson every night otherwise I think I do not make much sense and they all look at me like I am from another planet.
- My lovely au pair; She is driving me insane! I think it has to do with the size of the house... she is just there all the TIME and although she is fantastic I need some space. Not sure what to do about it but I have a very short temper with her at the moment.
- How everyone is so FIT... I thought I was alright but coming here is a shock. Every one runs, skates, cycles, stretches, plays ball, tennis, surf, jump!!!!!!! We went to "muscle beach" last week... very impressive.
- The healthy food (or just fresh food) is really expensive. Maybe that is why the slims are slim ... the junk food is very cheap so the fat can feed themselves even more! It is a vicious circle.
- Being with the kids all day everyday feels a bit like going back a couple of years ago. The more they are with me the more they need me!

- The weather (very obvious but it is true). I have a tan in February which already makes me feel much better and covers some of the wrinkles
- The driving; the traffic is really really bad but I love driving here (just feels like home)
- The sushi: Nick and I have been out for sushi in Santa Monica a couple of times. Just taste amazing!
- Malibu: One day I would love to have a house there (dream on)
- My amazing glamorous nightlife ... not quite yet but I am waiting for the invitation to arrive anytime!

I am sure I am forgetting some good bits but it is a little late and I just have had a big pizza for supper!

Saw "Mister Famous friend of Nick" on Monday with the kiddies. The boys went for a motorbike ride in the Hills.

I am still looking for a good biz idea to bring over to the UK... not so good so far but I am still searching.

Personally I have set myself one goal so far. When we went to muscle beach in Santa Monica I saw these guys do the "line rings"... I promised myself I will do that within my 3 months here! Have a look what I am talking about....

A plus,